Category: Eagle Scouts

Congratulations to Troop 35’s Newest Eagle Scout: Stephen Walsh

Stephen Walsh is the latest Troop 35 scout to earn the rank of Eagle. He is now among the elite of elite in scouting. Becoming an Eagle requires more than simply fulfilling every on-paper requirement. The friendships you make, the experiences you have, and the lessons you learn all...

Congratulations Troop 35!

Since Troop 35’s last Court of Honor ceremony, 35 scouts have earned a total of more than 100 awards. All ranks were represented, plus the following merit badges: Archery, Art, Basketry, Camping, Canoeing, Chemistry, Chess, Citizenship in the Community, Citizenship in the Nation, Citizenship in the World, Climbing, Coin...

Congratulations to Troop 35’s newest Eagle

Way to go, Michael Amen! You are now among the elite of the elite in scouting. Earning Eagle is such a big deal for me. It’s something that I’ve been going for for most of my life. Michael Amen, Troop 35 Eagle Scout Troop 35 has always been accepting...

Congratulations to Troop 35’s newest Eagle Scout

Well done, Ben Czarnecki! You are now among the elite of the elite. Ben’s advice for younger scouts? Stay focused, keep working and have fun. This Troop combines the brotherhood and friendships with the hard work of merit badges and rank advancement. They are so helpful with whatever your...

Congratulations to Troop 35’s latest Eagle Scout

Well done, James Podell! You are now among the elite of the elite. Troop 35 to me is similar to that of a family where everyone knows and likes each other. The people you meet in scouting will be life long friends!! So enjoy scouting to the fullest, and...

Eagle Scout project creates accessible planters

Scouts from Troop 35 built several wheelchair accessible planters at the Sensory Garden Playground in the Danada South area of the DuPage Forest Preserve. They worked with the Wheaton Park District, built the planters from the ground up and filled them with soil. Take a look at the photos...

First Eagle Ceremony since the pandemic

Congratulations to Troop 35’s 159th Eagle Scout, Ryan Kammerzell. It was wonderful to celebrate your accomplishment at Gary United Methodist Church....

Troop 35 congratulates latest Eagle Scout: Robert West

Congratulations to Robert West, Troop 35’s newest Eagle Scout. Robert joins an elite group of scouts who have earned the rank of Eagle. Troop 35 means so much to me, I’ve made so many friends in this troop and so many memories that I will never ever forget, and...

Congratulations to Troop 35’s newest Eagle Scout

Ryan Kammerzell joins an elite group of people who have achieved the highest level of scouting. After 10 years of fun and hard work in scouts, Ryan has earned the Eagle Scout rank. Troop 35 has been a place for me to grow. It was the place for me...

Eagle Scout project helps community

Scouts from Troop 35 held a book drive to support the community, including the Epilepsy Foundation. The scouts sorted and boxed up hundreds of books as part of Robert W.’s Eagle Scout project. Many books will go to the Epilepsy Foundation, and some will fill a new book-sharing box...