Congratulations Peter Schmerold!
Congratulations on earning your Eagle Scout and being the latest from Troop 35.
For me, achieving Eagle Scout meant the culmination of years of work. It was the big moment I’d been working towards. It means I’m part of an exclusive club that will last a lifetime.

Troop 35, something I’ve been a part of for years, means a lot to me. I’ve played parts in its growth, and I’m proud seeing the scouts I saw join the troop become the new leaders and guides to these new scouts.
My advice for younger scouts is, if you want Eagle, just keep working. Try and be at as many meetings and campouts as possible, especially summer camp, and if you need help with something, ask an older scout and they will be happy to help. Just keep moving through the ranks, don’t burn yourself out but don’t drag either.
Someone should join Troop 35 if they like independence, our troop is truly boy-led. We have more Eagle Scouts than other local troops. And, we try to keep things fun and not overly strict, as long as everybody is safe.