Category: Court of Honor

Fall 2024 Court of Honor

In August we held our Court of Honor to celebrate the rank advancements and merit badge achievements of our Scouts. Congratulations Scouts!...

Jack Mathis Eagle Court of Honor

Congratulations to Jack for achieving Eagle Scout, the highest rank attainable in Scouts! Troop 35 is proud to have had such a thoughtful leader in our ranks....

Spring Court of Honor

Troop 35 had an incredible turn out for it’s Spring Court of Honor held in March. We began with Order of the Arrow elections and then celebrated the achievements of our Scouts. Congratulations to Brian Dickinson and Ben Adkins on achieving the rank of Eagle Scout!...

Andrew McCluskey Eagle Court of Honor

Congratulations Andrew on your outstanding achievement of the Eagle Scout rank. We are proud to have had such a kind and helpful Scout in Troop 35. You have set a great example for all Scouts to aspire to!...

Cameron Cox Eagle COH – 2023

Cameron Cox and family hosted his Eagle Court of Honor earlier this month. We thank him for his dedication and the continued service he has donated since achieving his Eagle....

Fall Court of Honor

This fall we celebrated our scouts who achieved new ranks and earned merit badges throughout the year. Hard work was seen all around and new milestones reached....

Michael Wagner Eagle Court of Honor

Continuing in our celebrations of this years Eagle ceremonies we are proud to acknowledge and thanks Michael for all his hard work, He waited a long time to finally be able to share this with everyone over past years. Thanks you for letting us celebrate this great achievement with...

Stephen Walsh Eagle Court of Honor

Congratulations Stephen on a job well done. Troop 35 thanks you for your service and dedication to scouting. You are an inspiration to others and a continued role model for upcoming scouts....

Eric Richmond Eagle Court of Honor

This July Eric after much patient waiting was able to hold his Court of Honor celebrating his Eagle rank accomplishment. Congratulations from Troop 35 on your great achievement and hard work and good luck on endeavors to come! (edit: Sorry for typo Eric!)...