Category: Campouts

Camping is Better with Sprechers and Harleys

January’s campout was at Camp Sol R. Crown in Wisconsin. Scouts sampled sodas at the Sprecher Brewery and worked on the Engineering merit badge at the Harley-Davidson Museum. ...

November is Turkey (Run) Month!

Troop 35 headed to Cary Camp this past weekend and enjoyed the outdoors by hiking around Turkey Run State Park....

Camping at Pratt Wayne Woods

Troop 35 camped at Pratt Wayne Woods this past weekend. Scouts enjoyed the outdoors by biking, cooking, and working on Scout skills....

Summer Camp at Tesomas

A little bit of rain can’t stop this crew from having a great time at summer camp!...

Camping, Cooking, and Canoeing

In preparation for this summer’s trip to Boundary Waters, Troop 35 spent the weekend camping, cooking, and canoeing at Blackwell Forest Preserve....

2024 Lincoln Pilgrimage

Troop 35 participated in a weekend of activities and remembrance honoring our 16th President, Abraham Lincoln....

Hoover Forest Preserve Campout

The Scouts set out on a rainy night for cabin camping at Hoover Forest Preserve. On Saturday they learned about sap collection and the history of making maple syrup....

Van Buren State Park – 2023

One last outing snuck in before school starts. Van Buren has a nice campground walking distance to a quiet strip of beach. Weather started out a little rainy, but before lunch it had cleared and had warm sunny weather rest of day....

Philmont – 2023

Our 2023 expedition has returned from a successful trip. Philmont is the type of outing a scout will remember and carry with them a lifetime. These are a few of the photos chosen to share of many many more. Family who would like to look through the entire catalog...

Camp Tesomas 2023

Just a very small sampling of pictures from a great week at camp with great weather. Parents/scouts who would like more can likely request access to either the shared folder or a zip file of camp pictures....