Caleb Bristow Earns Eagle!

Troop 35 is proud to announce our newest Eagle Scout, Caleb Bristow. Congratulations on this outstanding achievement!

Caleb shares his words of wisdom:
Troop 35 has been my scouting home ever since I started scouts. The adult and scout leaders have helped me along my scouting journey and have helped me reach the goal of Eagle Scout even though I started just before my 13th birthday. I have appreciated the examples of great leadership and teamwork in Troop 35. I have also learned many great life skills in Troop 35. I will always be thankful to the men, women and scouts who have been a part of my scouting journey.

What does it mean for you to be an Eagle Scout?
Achieving the rank of Eagle Scout is a huge accomplishment. There were multiple times along this scouting journey where I felt like giving up, but I’m so glad I didn’t. Being an Eagle Scout shows me how far I’ve come in leadership, skill and perseverance. I will carry this achievement for the rest of my life. I hope to show the characteristics of what an Eagle Scout should be every day.

Caleb’s advice to younger scouts:
Never give up, persevere, push to the end. Achieving the Rank of Eagle is worth all the time and effort that you put into it.