Category: Scout Skills

Troop 35 enjoys “camp-in”

While campsites are closed to groups, Troop 35 found a way to enjoy the outdoors by hosting a “camp-in.” Scouts pitched tents in their own backyards, cooked outside, and held a contest for the best-looking meal. They also got together at a park for some mask-wearing socially distanced games....

Scouts work on merit badges during pandemic

Even with the stay-at-home order, scouts from Troop 35 are working toward earning merit badges. Some of the badges scouts are working on include Cooking, Family Life, Music, and Reading. For Eagle-Required Family Life, you must complete daily chores plus finish both an individual and family project. You can...

Troop 35 goes tubing; two scouts earn Polar Bear award

Troop 35 had a blast tubing at Wilmot Mountain in Wisconsin. The scouts stayed at Camp Oh-DaKo-Ta, near Burlington, Wisc. Most scouts slept and cooked inside the cabin, but two boys earned the Polar Bear award. For the Polar Bear award, you must camp outside when the temperature falls...

Gary Church honors scouts; Troop 35 serves up cobbler

Scout Sunday took on special relevance this year as February 2020 marks the 100th anniversary since scouting officially formed a relationship with the Methodist Church. During the church service, Gary United Methodist Church honored scouts who completed the “God and Church” religious emblem program, including two scouts from Troop...

Troop 35 competes at Klondike Derby

Scouts from Troop 35 competed against other troops at the Klondike Derby at Camp Big Timber in Elgin. Activities included archery, BB shooting, tug of war, tomahawk throw, log sawing and more....

Scouts speak at Wheaton City Council meeting

Troop 35 scouts working on the Communication merit badge attended the Wheaton City Council meeting Monday night, and Wheaton Mayor Phil Suess asked them to address the council. The boys shared their names, troop, and why they were there. You can view the meeting here. The photo below shows...

Future leaders learn valuable skills

Boys from Troop 35 took the time to learn leadership skills this weekend. They stayed at the youth cabin at Herrick Lake Forest Preserve and worked through the BSA’s “Introduction to Leadership Skills for Troops.”...

Learning and practicing canoeing skills

Several scouts from Troop 35 recently paddled their way to a canoeing merit badge at Silver Springs State Park in Yorkville. Thank you to the Three Fires Council for organizing the merit badge day....

Troop 35 looks forward to Court of Honor ceremony

Scouts will collect merit badges and rank advancement patches at the Fall Court of Honor ceremony on Sept. 15 at Gary United Methodist Church. The scouts will plan, set up, lead, speak at and clean up after the ceremony. Many scouts worked on the canoeing merit badge at Troop...

Troop 35 serves up sweet treats for Scout Sunday

In celebration of Scout Sunday, boys from Troop 35 cooked up cobbler for the churchgoers at Gary United Methodist Church. They made many varieties, including cherry, peach and blueberry. The scouts served up cobbler from more than a dozen Dutch ovens. They displayed flags and photos and answered questions....