Category: Activities

Troop 35 sleds “for real”

Twice in one week, Troop 35 took advantage of our February snowfall and enjoyed sledding. First, on cardboard sleds they made themselves. This time, on real sleds down a hill at Blackwell Forest Preserve. Take a look at the fun they had!...

Troop 35 sleds on cardboard

Scouts in Troop 35 love sledding, but sledding on cardboard? Well, take a look for yourself. The photos tell the story of a great time at the Northside Park sledding hill. Patrols created their own sleds out of a huge cardboard box, and the first to make it down...

Troop 35 thrives, even during pandemic

Scouts have worked creatively to keep Troop 35’s traditions alive during the pandemic. Every year, the troop welcomes Webelos at the electronics lock-in. This year, the troop held it virtually, and scouts still enjoyed games together and stayed up late having fun. Webelos even received a pizza delivery! Troop...

Troop 35 hosts in-house summer camp

When the pandemic put a pause on Troop 35’s annual trip to Tesomas summer camp, some older scouts stepped into action. They planned a multiple-day outdoor camp at Winfield Church where scouts could earn merit badges, achieve rank advancements and have fun....

Troop 35 scout participates in “Taps Across America”

Musicians from across the country, including Troop 35’s Noah B., played taps from their front porches at 3 p.m. on Memorial Day. Twenty years ago, Congress passed a law that 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day is “The National Moment of Remembrance.” It’s an annual event that asks...

Gary Church honors scouts; Troop 35 serves up cobbler

Scout Sunday took on special relevance this year as February 2020 marks the 100th anniversary since scouting officially formed a relationship with the Methodist Church. During the church service, Gary United Methodist Church honored scouts who completed the “God and Church” religious emblem program, including two scouts from Troop...

Troop 35 competes at Klondike Derby

Scouts from Troop 35 competed against other troops at the Klondike Derby at Camp Big Timber in Elgin. Activities included archery, BB shooting, tug of war, tomahawk throw, log sawing and more....

Troop 35 helps with Christmas Sharing

As Christmas Sharing celebrates its 50th year, scouts from Troop 35 enjoy helping out. The boys packed boxes with food, toiletries and household products, which will go to needy families in Community Unit School District 200. Christmas Sharing started in 1969 when a school social worker was concerned about...

Electronics lock-in a favorite with scouts

Every year, Troop 35 takes a night to play games, including their favorite electronics. The troop invites Webelos scouts to come and have fun and get to know each other better, hoping they continue their scouting careers and become Boy Scouts. This year, Troop 35 also elected their next...

Scouts speak at Wheaton City Council meeting

Troop 35 scouts working on the Communication merit badge attended the Wheaton City Council meeting Monday night, and Wheaton Mayor Phil Suess asked them to address the council. The boys shared their names, troop, and why they were there. You can view the meeting here. The photo below shows...