Congratulations, Brian!
Troop 35 is proud to welcome Brian Dickinson to the elite group of people who can call themselves an Eagle Scout. Well done! Brian shares what Troop 35 means to him:
Troop 35 is a group of friends with whom I have had many adventures. One that I may never find again. It was a fun space where I could go on many fun campouts and learn so many different skills. I have learned so much from my time here and am very thankful for the friends I have made and the abundance of skills I have learned.
To be an Eagle Scout is to go out and help others. Whether that be from a small act of kindness like holding a door open for someone, or maybe something bigger like helping clean up a forest or a park in your area. Using the skills you have learned along the way can help you with your life and with helping others along the way. Like the scout law says a scout is helpful and kind, which should be used to help the world around them.
The main piece of advice I would give people trying to get Eagle rank is to stay on top of your requirements. If you fall behind it is very hard to catch up. So if you stay on top of your work you will finish early, which means you can go on more campouts without having to worry about requirements or merit badges.
Brian Dickinson, Troop 35 Eagle Scout