Ben Adkins earns Eagle
Congratulations to Ben Adkins, Troop 35’s newest Eagle Scout:
Troop 35 has brought me so many of my favorite memories and some of my best friends. I really did learn a lot from the troop, like how to lead and how to work together. I have been a part of this troop for almost as long as I can remember and I will be sad to no longer be another scout in future years. However I am honored to join my predecessors as a fellow Troop 35 Eagle Scout.
Ben Adkins, Troop 35 Eagle Scout
Becoming an Eagle Scout just felt like another hump in the road at first, until I really reflected on how many years I had spent in scouting. I started in Cub Scouts because of my friend Harvey Fiorato, and from the moment I joined I was working towards Eagle without really knowing it. Time passed by, and I climbed the ranks until just this past year when I realized the seemingly impossible title was really not far away at all. Both Harvey and I achieved Eagle by spending the time to complete merit badges and requirements year after year.
Ben shares advice to younger scouts starting on their paths to Eagle:
Becoming Eagle does not mean sitting down for a month and nonstop grinding out paperwork for endless hours. What makes Eagle Rank so hard is the amount of time you spend throughout all of your years of Scouting. Each meeting and each summer camp is getting you closer to Eagle, but you have to show up and you have to do the little bits of work for years. Eagle Scout takes dedication and persistence through all of the rough merit badges and wet campouts. But don’t forget to have fun along the way, the journey really can fly by if you work with friends and enjoy every campout. Even during cleaning duty.
Congratulations Ben! You have earned the highest rank in scouting!