Post President’s Day Update
Name the ONLY US President who was an Eagle Scout? Answer in the comments section if you know! Remember a scout is trustworthy, so no Googling!
At this evening’s troop meeting Troop 35 welcomed ten of our newest scouts! So far this season, 11 scouts have crossed over from Cub Scouting to join the troop. Tonight they learned about the difference between Cub Scouts and Boy Scouts – a Boy Scout troop is boy led and that means the older boys take the lead in running meetings. The new scouts began their new scouting career learning all about scout skills – basic first aid, knots – especially the square knot!
Also the meeting was spent planning for the upcoming campout at the USS Silversides in Muskegon, Michigan – the campout is Saturday, February 28th and the scouts will be home by noon Sunday!

Upcoming Events
- 2/26: Troop Committee Meeting 7PM at Gary United Methodist Church (all adults welcome
- 2/28 to 3/2: Camping overnight USS Silversides – Muskegeon, MI
- 3/7: Merit Badge University at York High School
- 3/20 to 3/22: Cabin Camping at Lakota Camp Group
- 3/26: Troop Committee Meeting 7PM at Gary United Methodist Church (all adults welcome
- 4/11: Spring Court of Honor
As always, troop meetings begin Tuesday evenings at 7PM and parents are welcome to come to circle at 8:30 PM – it’s our APP!
I’ll throw out the first guess: Gerald R. Ford. There is actually a council named for him in Michigan.
-Mr. Brunner
way to go – you got it!
Gerald Ford
-Mr. Cat.
BING! You got it…