Twas the night before Christmas…
‘Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the camp
It was “lights out”, and the ground was all damp.
The Scouts socks were hung by the fire with care,
In hopes that St. Nicholas soon would be there;
The Scouts were nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of square knots danced in their heads;
Carl in his ‘kerchief, and Doug his cap,
Had just settled down for a long winter’s nap,
When out in the woods there arose such a clatter,
I sprang from my bed to see what was the matter.
Grabbed up my bow, for something’s moving I see,
I’m glad I got the merit badge for Archery.
The moon was full with such a bright glow
It made night look like day to the objects below,
It’s a good thing ‘tho that’s no sasquatch I was about to shoot,
It looks like reindeer, a sleigh, and Captain J? In a Santa suit?!?
I’m confused, as my eyes adjust, I take a pause;
Is that a sleigh? Naa, this can’t be Santa Claus.
I’m thinkin’ I had too many s’mores or somebody’s playing a game,
And just then whoever this is starts calling the reindeer by name;
“Now Jonah! Now Ryley! ON! Noah and Jesse!
Now both Alex’s and both ’s as fast as you can,
Now Brandon! ON Joshua! Now Will! ON Joey and William,
Now Aaron, Allyn, and Gus, ease up and land!
That big sleigh and the Sixteen reindeer were moving in fast,
And like magic, the Tenderfoot landing was not Second but First class.
The man in the sleigh really was Santa, it’s him I’m getting to meet,
The biggest Star of my Life flew in like an Eagle, says he needs to eat.
We warmed by the fire, and shared some stories no doubt,
And I’m thinking this guy sure knows what it takes to be a scout.
He gave me a present and said he knows about my Totin’ Chip,
It was the brand new Boy Scout knife with the loop for a clip.
After a Dutch oven dinner and a blueberry cobbler, he had a jolly ole face,
We cleaned up, and besides the missing food we left no trace.
He got right to work stuffing the Scouts socks with toys and treats,
I’m really hoping Santa had some magic powder or that’s all gonna smell like stinky feets.
In a flash he was in his sleigh and gave his team a shout,
He looked at me with a three finger salute, I knew he was a scout.
I heard him exclaim as he drove out of sight,
Merry Christmas Troop 35, and to All a Good night!
See you all in 2015! It’s gonna be a great year!
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!