President’s Day – 2012
On my honor, I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country . .
Help keep the United States a strong and fair nation by learning about our system of government, your responsibilities as a citizen and future voter, as well as the history of our country and the people who made it strong for future generations – just like you will.
Here is a quiz from Microtrains, a model railroad manufacturer….
Question for February: Which President was a Yale boxing coach, was the first president to have been an Eagle Scout, served as a gunnery on an aircraft carrier in the Pacific and was never elected President or Vice-President?
Test your knowledge – do you know who it is? Send a message to me and if your answer is correct, I’ll reward the winner at Tuesday night’s meeting.
What you do and what you know about our country can make a difference!
have one entrant, so far – please don’t answer in the comment area – click on the CLICK HERE TO ANSWER link! Good luck and see ya Tuesday night!
we have six entrants and the scout meeting is tonight, will you weigh in? Be Prepared!
I missed the answer at the meeting tonight. Who was it?
I am thinking Ford.
For those of you unable to attend – the answer is President Gerald R. Ford. There were seven scouts who responded – thanks for being plugged into the Troop site! The scouts are Sebastian, Will, Chris S, Davis, Chris B, Brandon, and William – way to go! One of the Assistant Scoutmasters has Ford’s name on his Eagle card – all presidents are honorary presidents of the BSA!